
Monday, 30 May 2016

Story Map

Story Map
Title:Robbitti Stanley
Author:Jane Buxton
Characters: Stanley,people
Conflict:Stanley leg was sour so he can’t walk
Resolution: but people think it not sour because they always use it.

Beginning:when Stanley was learning how to walk in Stiltwalker

Middle:he was watch people walk on  Stiltwalker

End:now he know how to walk on stiltwalker

Friday, 27 May 2016


mōrena: morning

Mōrena, e Te Rākaherea!
Morning, Te Rākaherea!
Another way to say Good morning! is Ata mārie!.
Image result for good morning

rap about bully me

She didn’t really really wanna pop me

Just know that you will never flop me

And i know that i can be a little cocky , no

You ain’t never gonna stop me

winnie Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title:The bullock holiday

Author:brian birchall

Today I read about the bullock need a holiday

I feel happy about what I read today because he had a rest

My favourite character was bullock because he was naught

I would feel tired if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because bullock was not sleep

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen  if he can rest

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

winnie Compare and contrast map

Name & Image of 1st characterImage result for a girl
Image & Name of 2nd characterImage result for a boy
-sarah is a girl
-sarah has long
-sarah is white
Skin colour
-both human
-both have eyes
-both white skin
-both cool
-he is a boy
-he has brown
-he is brown

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

winnie Describe map graphic organiser

Title:What if

Author:Jane Buxton

The name of the character I am describing is

He/ She/It looks like  she is beautiful

She/ He/ It  looks like that because she is a girl

I wonder if she was me  

Image result for mackenzie ziegler

Friday, 20 May 2016

te ora

kino kē: awesome

Kino kē koe, e te tau!
You are awesome, my darling!

the day everything was gone

When it was saturday my stuff started to
Gone my family went to the hospital I was
Sleep then my sister’s laptop was gone but
I said i’m dream so i went and wash my face
But it was still gone i was panic because my
Will said where is her laptop i will get in trouble
So i said how do i get this out of my mind then
Someone steal the remote.

But my mind said no one is here so
I said to myself what is happening
To me i went to eat some food but the
Food was gone when i walk pass the kitchen
There was food but now there are no food so i
Have to starving to death.

I felt scared because i was by myself and everything was gone.

To be continue…………
The End

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Today we did this  at math my stage is stage 6&5 and 3

18 May 2016 12:49:05.jpg
My work is 28 dive 7=4 /7x4=28

winnie Compare and contrast map

Name & Image of 1st character
Image result for bee

Image & Name of 2nd character
Image result for kelly

A bee is yellow and black

A bee's wing

A bee his 6 legs
Both live things

Both have eyes

Kelly is a girl

Kelly is a human

Kelly is  white

Kelly she his hair brown light

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Describe map

Title:up and away

Author:david hill

The name of the character my character is kelly

He/ She look like she has black hair

She/ He/ It  looks like that because she is white

I wonder if she was me  

Monday, 16 May 2016


This is my work 

Story map

Story Map
Title:The seal woman
Author:jane walker leonard
Setting:At the sea
Conflict:The farmer crept down to the rock and took one of the skin
Then the daughter find the skin and having the skin to the woman  
Resolution:the daughter saved the woman

Beginning:the woman saw the people dancing at the sea

Middle:the woman was looking for her skin

End:but the daughter find the skin then she gave the woman her skin back

Friday, 13 May 2016

Story Map

Story Map
Title:sport day
Author: sue wootton
Conflict:grace didn’t want to go to school because it was sport day
She don’t like to catch the ball because she doesn’t catch it good.
Resolution:justin whacked the ball high emma was running for the ball but grace was being care before you dip

Beginning:grace didn’t want to go to school

Middle:grandad say stay calm she catch the ball

End:emma got sting from the bee grace was happy miss said good  catch.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

half and qaurter

Today we learnt something today

our question is there was 32 pirate
1/2 of them got peg leg
1/4 of the rest

Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title:the seal woman

Author: jane walker

Today I read about/ a woman love to seal people

I feel cool about what I read today because she can heal

My favourite character was the woman because she can heal a person

I would feel that had be cool  if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because i can heal a person

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen make a happy ending

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


1/2 of 24 =12

3/4 of 12=3

3/4 of 20=15


Image result for 3/4

winnie Describe map graphic organiser

Title: The seal woman

Author:jane walker

The name of the character I am describing is
Jane she is white  and have black hair

He/ She/It looks like/she is look like India

She/ He/ she is a farm because 

I wonder what she would look like when she grow up